cover image Lovers and Liars

Lovers and Liars

Amanda Eyre Ward. Ballantine, $29 (304p) ISBN 978-0-593-50029-3

In Ward’s engrossing latest (after The Lifeguards), three American sisters confront their family’s complicated dynamics on the eve of the youngest’s second wedding. Miami school librarian Sylvie Peacock has been on her own since her husband died 10 years earlier, but when she meets wealthy Englishman Simon Rampling on an app for book lovers, she’s charmed by his kindness and passion for bird photography, and swept off her feet by stories of his family castle in northern England. Though part of her feels like she’s betraying her late husband, she accepts his marriage proposal after a mere three months of dating. Her glamorous oldest sister, Cleo, learns shortly before traveling to England for the wedding that Simon derived his wealth from a divorce, and itches to tell Sylvie the truth. Another narrative thread involves middle sister Emma, who’s risked her own family’s well-being by sinking their savings into a pyramid scheme. Much drama ensues at Simon’s castle when the sisters converge along with their narcissistic mother, Donna. Ward’s character work is top-notch, conveying Cleo’s savior complex and Donna’s negative impact on her children. This is a cut above the standard for women’s fiction. Agent: Michelle Tessler, Tessler Literary. (May)