cover image The Lion Women of Tehran

The Lion Women of Tehran

Marjan Kamali. Gallery, $28.99 (336p) ISBN 978-1-66803-658-7

The insightful latest from Kamali (The Stationary Shop) chronicles the decades-long friendship of two Iranian women whose lives are upended by their country’s political upheaval. After seven-year-old Ellie’s father dies from tuberculosis in 1950, she and her mother are forced to move to a smaller apartment in one of Tehran’s poorer neighborhoods. At her new school, Ellie befriends a spirited classmate named Homa. Several years later, Ellie’s mother remarries and they move to a better neighborhood, causing the girls to lose touch. Ellie later attends a prestigious high school and is mortified when Homa, who she now views as uncouth, becomes her classmate and greets her in front of her new friends (“Homa was my past. My two worlds were not supposed to collide”). They eventually rekindle their friendship, but are once again divided when Homa is imprisoned for protesting the shah in 1963. Later sections follow a married Ellie in 1981 New York City, where she receives a desperate letter sent by Homa from Tehran. Though there’s not much of a plot, Kamali sustains the reader’s interest by exploring the contrasts and sustained connection between the two central characters. This will resonate with fans of women’s fiction. Agent: Wendy Sherman, Wendy Sherman Assoc. (July)